Skydive Pull Out
$28 / Single TicketOpen every Saturday & Sunday from 8:00 am to sunset and everyday during the summertime! DZ organizes events, boogies, beach jumps, Wingsuit Internatinal Competitions, and Canopy Piloting Championships. NEW–Swoop training, RW, Freefly, Wingsuit, and Canopy coaching! Load organizing and rigging service. Great panoramic view over the Adriatic Sea and vast landing area. Skydiving shop, restaurant, […]
Skydive FlyGang – Moli DZone
$28 / Single TicketLargest italian drop zone. Just 15 miles from Bologna International Airport (BLQ). USPA-rated, professional, and friendly staff. Load organizer and coaching for all disciplines. We also offer drop zone van and bike rentals. English, French and Spanish spoken. Open 7-7 from May to October.
Skydive Exit Eggenfelden
$32 / Single TicketEggenfelden’s commercial airfield is located only 100 kilomters ( appx 60 miles) east of Munich. At the beginning of 2002 it was also opened for skydivers. The large heated hangar is not only the space for our airplanes, but will preferably be used as packarea. Next there is the Manifest here. For cold days, there […]
Skydive Pink Klatovy
$32 / Single TicketOpen May and August. Also available on site: Child Day Care & Team Rooms. See website for dates and additional boogies of the Pink Skyvan in Europe. From Prague International Airport, follow signs to Plzen. In Plzen, follow signs to Klatovy. The drop zone is approximately one km. north of Klatovy on the street to […]
Dropzone Denmark
$28 / Single TicketDropzone Denmark is a real skydivers DZ – we welcome skydivers from all over the world to enjoy our brand new facilities build up with skydivers in mind – weather you are here to train or funjump, we will accomodate you, and make you feel at home. We fly a Cessna Caravan full time, and […]
Aerograd Kolomna
$19 / Single TicketAerograd Kolomna, the Aviation and Technical Sports Club of DOSAAF Russia, is the best skydiving club of Russia, a flight school and a campus with a developed infrastructure that offers infinite opportunities for family and corporate recreation. Aerograd is located on the bank of the River Oka in the vicinity of the picturesque ancient town […]