Olimpic Skydive
Mi- 8 Helicopter jumps! 28.04 – 6.05
We would like to invite all skydivers and tandem students for Long May Jumping Weekend at Olimpic Skydive which will be official jumping season start at 2018.
This year we have got real surprise for you, up to the altitude (13,5K ft) you will be taken by 25-seater Mi-8 helicopter.
Check our facebook profile to be updated about attractions & promotion we got for you at our dropzone over 28.04-06.05.2018
Skydive Balaton
Mi-8 Helicopter jumps! May 5-6, 12-13, 19-20-21, 26-27
From end of April till end of October every Saturday and Sunday we jump if the weather permit.
Washington, USA
Skydive Chelan
Skydive Chelan is once again teaming up with North Wing and bringing you Helicopterama 2018! Chopper baby… chopper!
There will be a Long ranger Helicopter (6 jumpers) and a Jet ranger helicopter (4 jumpers)
Must have a USPA A license or higher to participate.
$20 boogie fee and $55 jumps!