
Currently, open every weekend. Will open during the week if you have 4 jumpers willing to commit to 8 jumps or more.

Large hangar with 900 acres to land on!

About The Jumping Place

The Jumping Place Skydiving Center is a full service gear sales, rigging service, and aircraft mechanic shop.

We know aviation better than anyone else in the industry, don’t you want to jump with people that have +25 plus years experience in the sport.

Whether your from the North Florida, Jacksonville area, Savannah, Macon, Augusta, Hilton Head, or Atlanta you will be happy skydiving at The Jumping Place Skydiving Center, Georgia’s Best Skydive..

The Jumping Place Skydiving Center is rated Georgia’s Best skydiving center.

We encourage you to explore our website and check out up coming events and specials.

We cater to first time Tandem Students as well as fun jumpers that have thousands of skydives. Whatever you are looking for in your skydiving experience, we have it.


Tandem Skydiving at The Jumping Place

The Jumping Place offers Tandem skydiving for first time skydivers to experience the thrill of a lifetime with the assistance of a veteran skydiving instructor.

Your tandem skydive includes all training, equipment, and affiliated costs.

After checking in and signing some paper work you will meet with an USPA certified tandem instructor who will make you feel at ease with your skydiving experience.

After 30 minutes of training and a couple videos, you will begin “suiting up” and be a real skydiver.

After a final equipment check, we load the aircraft and fly to over 2 miles above the ground and get ready for the thrill of a lifetime.

You exit the aircraft attached to your instructor and get to jump out and experience flying for almost a minute and your parachute deploys.

After your parachute is deployed and fully inflated you will be given the controls and be able to fly your parachute for a few minutes.

After about a 10 minute experience your instructor and you will land on the ground.


$229 Tandem Skydive! Experience the thrill of Free Fall by skydiving with an experienced tandem skydiving instructor at 120 MPH from over 2 miles above the Earth.

Skydive with Georgia’s best skydiving center!

AFF courses

Over the course of this seven skydive package, you will start your skydiving training and develop into a functional solo skydiver.

This training package is ideal for skydivers that want to get into the sport, but aren’t sure they want to go all the way.

Special pre-paid pricing saves you $224 at $1399.

Includes: 7 skydives (Instructor slots + Jumper slots), instructors, gear rental, training, radio, packing, taxes, fees.


  • Address Statesboro-Bulloch County Airport (KTBR) 127 Airport Dr Statesboro, Georgia 30461-7565
  • Country United States
  • Neighborhood
  • Postal code/ZIP 30461-7565
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