DZ (Skydive) Peronne
$25 / Single Ticket1 hour from Paris, 45 min from Charles de Gauble Airport, the nearest DZ to Paris. Open Friday to Monday inclusive every weekend and one week per month.
Accademia Italiana Di Paracadutismo
$27 / Single TicketOpen Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Close to Casale Monferrate Sud highway excit. Coaching available in formation skydiving and freeflying.
Skydive Switzerland
$35 / Single TicketWe take much pride in our drop zone facilities, its modern state of the art equipment and safety conscious skydive school. The Drop Zone operates a Cessna Caravan (14 people) for all skydive jumps. We offer a warm and comfortable ‘chill out area’, video debriefing facilities, Internet, bathrooms, merchandise store and indoor carpeted packing area. We […]
Skydive Garz
$28 / Single TicketCome fly with us and see the magnificient Mt Viso! We are open every weekend and select weekdays all year. AFF coaching available. Excellent italian food & ambiance.
Skydive Sardegna
$28 / Single TicketOpen all weekends, organizing Christmas Boogies (everyday activity for a whole month between December and January) and Summer Boogies (30 days activity in August) with landing on the beach. The mild climate 365 days a year, the incredible landscape and the delicious Sardinian food are guarentee for great fun.
Skydive Kalifornia
$27 / Single ticketThe best DZ in Tuscany! 500 meters to the sea with special view and great climate all year. Close to Pisa and Florence.
Skydive Fano (A.S. Alimarche)
$28 / Single TicketOpen weekends year-round, every day June 1st to August 31st. On the Adriatic Sea. Coaching, load organizing and beach jumps every sunset during the summer time. AFF courses Tandem jumps Wind tunnel Rigger
Skydive Pull Out
$28 / Single TicketOpen every Saturday & Sunday from 8:00 am to sunset and everyday during the summertime! DZ organizes events, boogies, beach jumps, Wingsuit Internatinal Competitions, and Canopy Piloting Championships. NEW–Swoop training, RW, Freefly, Wingsuit, and Canopy coaching! Load organizing and rigging service. Great panoramic view over the Adriatic Sea and vast landing area. Skydiving shop, restaurant, […]
Skydive FlyGang – Moli DZone
$28 / Single TicketLargest italian drop zone. Just 15 miles from Bologna International Airport (BLQ). USPA-rated, professional, and friendly staff. Load organizer and coaching for all disciplines. We also offer drop zone van and bike rentals. English, French and Spanish spoken. Open 7-7 from May to October.
Skydive Thiene
$27 / Single TicketSkydive Thiene is located in Thiene, in the province of Vicenza, in a lovely place at the foot of the High Alps. DZ is located within the Thiene Ferrarin Airport, offers a spacious heated hangar, where you can find expert instructors, rental materials and everything you need for every parachute needs. We got a Turbo […]
Skydive Venice
$28 / Single TicketThe closer DZ to Venice (new location of Club Paracadutisti Veneti – Skydive Salgareda) Jumping from 14000ft in the middle of dolomites and adriatic sea. Very good place to jump and to do a tandem. Set between vineyards, with plenty of landing area, places to sleep for the weekend and friendly staff.
Skydive Exit Eggenfelden
$32 / Single TicketEggenfelden’s commercial airfield is located only 100 kilomters ( appx 60 miles) east of Munich. At the beginning of 2002 it was also opened for skydivers. The large heated hangar is not only the space for our airplanes, but will preferably be used as packarea. Next there is the Manifest here. For cold days, there […]
Skydive Pink Klatovy
$32 / Single TicketOpen May and August. Also available on site: Child Day Care & Team Rooms. See website for dates and additional boogies of the Pink Skyvan in Europe. From Prague International Airport, follow signs to Plzen. In Plzen, follow signs to Klatovy. The drop zone is approximately one km. north of Klatovy on the street to […]
Skydive Suedpfalz, FSC (Südpfalz, Schweighofen)
$31 / Single TicketUnited States Parachute Association (USPA) Group Member & member of the german parachute association “DFV”. Lovely dropzone in the southwest of Germany near the French border and the “”Deutsche Weintor””. Perfect for teams or solo jumpers. RW and freefly coaching available at a low price. Wingsuit rental and coaching available. Inside packing area, packers, gear […]
Firebird Skydiving
$30 / Single ticketOpen 7 days a week, March-November. 3 km from nearest city and 1 km from hotel. 2 hours from Frankfurt and 1 hour from Cologne. Coaching and instructor courses available. FAA Master Rigger available.